You are not alone.


At times, this journey can be a lonely one. 
Don't get me wrong, I have an amazing husband, family and friends who are there for me all the time, whenever I may need them, but sometimes this can just be plain lonely. 
Sitting in the appointments, going through "examinations", getting numerous tests done, taking the medications, dealing with their side-effects and handling monthly disappointments can take it's toll on a person. 

To all the ladies I know (and don't know) who are going through this same journey and to all of you who are struggling with other trials, today I am reminding you (and myself) that you are not alone. 
These things you are going through are not in vain, He has a plan and purpose for you and will not let you go through this alone. 
Let's focus on that today. 

"I will never leave you nor forsake you." ~ Hebrews 13:5


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