
Showing posts from May, 2017

Livi's Adoption Story

It was a hot August morning, so Liam and I decided to head to the splash park. As soon as we got there, I lotion-ed Liam up (in the 5 seconds he stood still before racing to play in the water) and then I got settled in my chair. Adoption and babies had been racing through my mind...I wish I could say it had just been that morning, but in all honestly, it felt consuming for most of the Summer. I had been bringing it to God daily, sometimes hourly (can minute-ly be a word?...) So I sat there, silently praying and asking God some hard questions. And then, I saw it.  The text from our adoption consultant, Katie: "Hey, I have a situation I'd like to talk with you about.  Can I call you in a bit?" Instantly my heart started racing. I immediately responded, "Yes!!" and eagerly awaited her call. She filled me in about a baby that was apparently due any day now and needed a family. There weren't a ton of details known, besides for the expectant-mom claim