Little Liam.

Welcome to the world, little guy.
Your Dad and I prayed for you for a long time and now you are in our arms with you sweet little chin dimple, your baby blue eyes, dark mop of hair that smells like heaven and those little hands that I never want to let go of.
You are our answered prayer.  You are what makes me want to get up and be a better person each morning. You are the laugh that I can't get enough of, the smile that I will do numerous crazy things just to see a glimpse of, and the reason I bounce around the apartment at 3am just to stop your tears.

Your Dad and I promise to raise you as best as we can.  We promise to be examples of Christ's love, grace, mercy and compassion.
But we make no promises to be perfect, it's just not possible.  Nor will you ever be perfect. That's just how we came into this world - flawed and broken.  That's what brings us to Christ.
He gives us strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow. He makes all things new.
Our prayer - our deepest prayer and desire is that you know Him and walk through life with Him.
You know how much your dad and I love you?  Well, times that by a kabillion (that's right, kabillion..don't worry, mommy won't be helping you with your math homework) and it still doesn't come close to how much God loves you.

Please, bear with us as we go through life together...this is still new to us and we are taking it one day at a time. There will be days that your Dad and I fall short and will be in need of grace and there will be days days that we are disappointed in decisions you have made...but even when those disappointments come, know that our love for you will never ever change.  It is not something you can lose.

So, let's make a deal to just take this thing one day at a time, it's all we can really do, right?
I promise to do my very best as your mama...if you promise to never poop on me again (kidding!..I will love you even if you poop on me, or pee on me, or get the point).
Life is quite an adventure, as you will find out, so let's focus on the One who gave us this journey and I'd be willing to bet that He won't disappoint.
Thanks for coming into this world and making it a brighter place, what a special gift you are to us.
Your Daddy and I love you more than you know.

Ps- I would like to state, for the record, that at this age you LOVE my awesome dancing skills. Just need to note it here, for years down the road when you cringe at the site of it. Can't wait to chaperon your school dances!


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