"I have found the one whom my soul loves."

Can we just take a minute to talk about how wonderfully amazing this guy is? 
Wow, I am so blessed that God picked me to be his wife. 

I don't even know where to begin describing how much this man rocks my world. 
I mean, he still gives me butterflies just by holding my hand, I love that! 

When I first met him, I knew that there was something special about this guy - his heart was  on fire for the Lord and he wasn't afraid to share it.  He also wasn't afraid to make fun of me which was a plus is my book (if you know me, you have to have a sense of humor to get along with me...no duds allowed!)
I couldn't wait for the next time that I would get to see him and spend time with him - I cherished every minute (and still do!)
I remember after we got engaged I would cry to my mom, "I just want to get married at the courthouse! I don't care about a wedding, I just want to marry Will!" (dramatic? yes...but I couldn't wait to be his wife!) 

(See, I was really excited to marry him)

Here are just a few things I love about Will:

  • His kindness, sensitivity and huge heart give me the inspiration to strive to be better - this guy will give you the shirt off his back if he knew that you needed it. His willingness to help others never ceases to amaze me.
  • Every Saturday morning he goes to our favorite bakery and gets me donuts ("Candice, this seems so petty", you might say, but NO, no it is not...donuts make me very happy, especially donuts delivered by my husband)
  • He has an amazing work ethic - He is one of the hardest workers I know and always strives to do his best.  Which also goes hand in hand with the amazing discipline this guys has - I could use some of that! 
  • When I am sad he holds me and tells me that it IS going to be okay.  He reminds me that we are always in this together and that the Lord has perfect timing for everything.
  • He prays with me.
  • He's super attractive (duh.)
  • He always makes me feel beautiful.
  • He thinks I am funny - which is great because I can't be the only person who laughs at my own stories...or blonde moments. 
  • I think HE is funny - I love that we can laugh together! In fact, I think it's key in any relationship to be able to laugh together!
  • He's super smart- I mean, this guy is a wealth of knowledge! I still don't know how he knows all this stuff, but it comes in handy very often.  You know what this means?...our kids will now stand a chance in math class!
  • He is laid back, which in turn helps me out when I am not in a very "laid back" mind frame.  He balances me out so greatly (thanks, Lord!)
  • He loves me unconditionally - throughout my mood swings and melt-downs from all of the "drugs" and treatments, throughout my good days and bad, he takes care of me when I am sick, in fact, he finds joy in being able to care for me! He accepts my short-comings and helps me to be a better person, and for that I feel like the most blessed woman alive.  
I could go on and on, in fact my mind is still racing from all the things I could say, and I still don't feel like I am even doing him justice in all of this!

But I will end it for now by saying this,
He is my best friend, my "earthly rock", and he fills my heart with love.  
I love you Will, and there is not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for bringing you to me. 


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