
I have two scars on my lower abdomen.  One on the left side and one on the right. 

For a while I did not like them. 
They are not "pretty", they are rather permanent, and they are asymmetrical (come on, doc, if you're gonna make incisions, at least make em' even!)
They were a daily reminder of everything that was not happening inside my body.  

Exactly a year ago, this past Saturday, I had surgery to remove a rather large cyst on my left ovary.  While I thought it might have been the answer to why I had not gotten pregnant yet, it was not. 

Even though I still really don't have any more answers today, I have warmed up to these suckers. 
Actually, I am a little bit proud of them.  
Now instead of feeling saddened by them, they give me hope and remind me that God chose this path for me.  He's not going to leave me hanging.  He's the one that sustains me each day and He is the one that gives me strength.  So for now, I will let these scars be symbols of strength...not necessarily mine, but His.  After all, "His strength is made perfect in our weakness."


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